
Osnovna šola Grm je v šolskem letu 2020/21 za obdobje 5 let pridobila Erasmus akreditacijo, s katero ima poenostavljen dostop do sredstev za projekte mobilnosti strokovnih delavcev in učencev.

Smo osnovna šola, od 6 do 14 let starimi učenci. Naša šola ima 830 učencev in je locirana v središču Novega mesta.

Cilji, ki jih želimo s projekti Erasmus doseči, so: razvijati kompetentnost pri uporabi osnovnih IKT orodij pri učencih in starših iz ranljivejših skupin, povečati kompetentnost učiteljev pri uporabi in vključevanju sodobnih IKT orodij v učni proces, uvedba medpredmetnega sodelovanja in poučevanja ter timsko poučevanje v oddelkih v katerih so vključeni učenci ranljivih skupin in učenci s posebnimi potrebami. 

Koordinator aktivnosti v sklopu akreditacije je Staša Sabatucci.



We are active in the field of Erasmus projects. In 2020/21 we received the Erasmus accreditation for 5 years.

Children aged 6 to 14 attend Grm Primary School Novo mesto. The school has 830 pupils and is located in the centre of Novo mesto.

Therefore we would like to expand our international cooperation and establish new partnerships with schools from other countries.

Our main priorities are:

  • development of ICT competences (of teachers and pupils, especcialy ones from disadvantaged backgrounds)
  • cross-curricular integration, cooperation of teachers from different fields to ensure better quality of teaching and learning
  • team-teaching to promote inclusive learning in mainstream school for children with special needs, Roma children and chidren with migrant background – innovative ways of leaderships in schools to enhance quality of teaching.

Welcome to address request or any questions to stasa.sabatucci@guest.arnes.si (Staša Sabatucci).
